Sunday, July 23, 2006

diddy speaks (interlude)

so, being the insomniac that i am, i was channel surfing just now (this i alternate with net surfing, eating chocolate pudding and playing online trivial pursuit. did you know that there's a man-made "reef" off the coast of Delaware made out of old NYC subway cars? neither did i; i guessed New Jersey) and i came across the usual slew of infomercials, inclusive of the requisite Proactiv commercial. p. diddy is now one of their celebrity endorsers.

it's hard out here for a pimp[le].

(i'm so sorry. i watch far too much Daily Show)

ironically, what i've never seen an infomercial for at 3am is an ad for an over-the-counter sleeping aid.

i obviously don't watch enough television.

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