Friday, July 21, 2006


a few [more] things.

es ist sehr heiß. das ist nicht so gut.

i realized on my way home just now that New York really screwed up up my sense of temperature (among other things); i was thinking to myself, "my, it's sort of nice out" followed by "ok, perhaps it's a bit warm..." according to, it is 106 degrees in the Pearl district at present. and here i was thinking maybe 90ish. seriously. way off. i will, however, take an Oregon 106 degrees with 22% humidity over a New York 80 degrees with 90% humidity any day.

also, i was perusing the quicktime trailer site the other day (i'm really out of of the Hollywood loop these days. a tragedy, i know) and i came across this. now, i'm thinking, did we 80's children just not know how good we had it? if they're resurrecting 80's cartoons, the shit they have today must just completely suck. personally, i'm waiting for GI Joe: The Movie (i shit you not, my friend. i have a script for this kicking around in my collection of unproduced scripts somewhere. i think there was a Thundercats one as well. oh Cheetarah).

the Baroness was hot. crazy, but hot.

also, my mom priority-mailed me sleeping/anxiety pills. my mom is better than your mom.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Don't you just love being a turtle?