Saturday, December 02, 2006

we fear change

some technical things (announcements, if you will).

i'll be revamping this site in the weeks to come (on account of my finally having some time to fuck around with code and shit) this will likely involve site feed, possibly adsense and i don't know. a different font maybe. i know. try to contain your excitement. i'll try to implement some clever weekly bit. which may or may not last (if you've been paying attention, you know that i've already sort of done this. albeit a bit slapdash).

my blog won't get you drunk or give you an orgasm (well, i kind of fucking hope it doesn't, for that would imply your life is more pathetic than mine) but regardless, something to look forward to. like Lost and that trip to Hawaii you can't afford.

shockingly, i have to go to a party now.

1 comment:

riese said...

I AM EXPLODING WITH EXCITEMENT it's too late, i'm a mess!!