Saturday, November 25, 2006

i wanna go home. i miss my cook.


i always had this feeling as a teenager that i didn't belong in my hometown. there's nothing like a trip home as an adult to remind you exactly who you aren't.

i had to go to a baby shower today. which was preceded by my having to go shopping for baby accoutrements this morning, marginally hung over and sleep deprived. my mom accompanied me, for it seems she thinks this is something i am inept at. which could be true. the last time i was in the baby aisle, i was eighteen and searching for drug paraphernalia and raver toys.

my brother brought a mac into my parents' house for the first time. i'm surprised my father didn't throw him out.

boys never really grow up. if anybody ever tells you otherwise, they are lying.


Anonymous said...

For a second there I thought that said something else. Something with decidedly less "o's" and perhaps one more c.

As they say in the biz, "Mah bahd"

Anonymous said...

where is home??

melaina said...

well, i don't have a cook here now do i? :)

Anonymous said...

Do some people feel like they DO belong in their hometown? How odd, I'd like to quote Drederick Tatum: "If you ever see me in Springfield again, you know I really screwed up"