Sunday, November 12, 2006

so...can I go back to not writing?

the weather gods, it seems, are in tune with my emotions. there's been a veritable deluge in the northwest the last few weeks. Washington is a lake; Oregon, more of a puddle. my father bought a $500 (yellow)gore-tex rain-jacket, which i had no comment on. i will say this: for $500, it had better not just deflect rain, but send it straight back up into the clouds and break that motherfucking cloud into timid vapor.

anyway. my point...

i was explaining to a friend tonight that Portland has rid me of 6 years of urban irritants (read: traffic on the 10 freeway, Los Angeleans, terrorist threats, the NY marathon running down my street, that lovely perma-urine aroma of the NYC subway, drunken Poles at 4am...) and then it occurred to me: maybe this was not a good thing.

sure, i'm less likely to punch somebody out. i'm less likely to have a crowd-induced panic attack.

here it seems i have nobody to hate, no daily irritants to focus all my hatred on. suddenly i'm left with trees and rain and peace and quiet. and self-loathing came out of hibernation.

oh man i need a parade to ruin my Sunday morning.


Anonymous said...

wherever I walk, the sun shines. wonder if it could be this yellow jacket?

Anonymous said...

if you had a would just rain on it :(

melaina said...

haha..wait... :(