Wednesday, January 03, 2007

“I could really get behind a relationship with a woman who had only six months to live.”

My father handed me a copy of Pam Houston’s Waltzing the Cat last week and instructed me to read the first story. For once, I complied. The above quote brought a noise out of my mouth that could only be described as a guffaw.

It made me laugh because it’s true. It made me laugh because it so accurately captures the men of my generation. It made me laugh heartily, and then, uncomfortably.

Somehow, I managed to spend New Year’s Eve at a party almost entirely comprised of married people. Somebody asked me what my resolution was; I stated quite earnestly that I was giving up men, to which they replied, “can you do that?”

It’s easier than coffee.

This is usually the time of year where people reflect on the last year of their life. Frankly, I’m tired of reflecting. I’m much more interested in moving forward for once. I’m an old pro at self-reflection. Moving forward is something I’ve struggled to learn.

My final thoughts on 2006 are this:

For whatever reason, it was the popular year to go. Something about that year-end retrospective really pulled people towards the grave this week. Like the release of holiday movies, if you’re not in before the new year, you won’t make Oscar contention. End of December? Total shoe-in for that top retrospective spot.

I’d like to thank the Academy for noticing my timely departure…

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