Wednesday, March 15, 2006

give Crash a break, yo

Annie Proulx is pissed about the Oscars. bitching about beautiful rich people handing out accolades to other beautiful rich people? it didn't go your way? awww.

it's strange. i've heard nothing but negative comments about the movie Crash since it won Best Picture. it got ripped apart in my women's(read: gender/race) studies class last week. "it promotes racial stereotypes" well, unfortunately, stereotypes happen. "it was written by a white guy" Canadian white guy, mind you.

interestingly, the female producer (who received one of the Best Picture Oscars) never actually got paid for working on the film. gender stereotypes you say...?

i don't know. i saw it twice in the theater (the first time alone, the second, with my then-"boyfriend" Mike) didn't anybody listen to the dialogue?

if you're going to bitch about it, bitch about the snow. that was a bit Hollywood.

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