Saturday, March 11, 2006

also, i can kill you with my brain.

i don't really know what the hell i'm doing with my life. which is fun.

when i was eight, i wanted to paint stripes on my face, don a fur-lined unitard and sing jellicle songs for jellicle cats. that, i thought, was a reasonable thing to do with one's life. but then, that was 1988.

in a lovely turn of events, the temperature hit a sweltering 65 degrees this weekend. i, of course, spent the better part of my day shut up in the stale air of an auditorium taking a three-and-a-half-hour proficiency exam. it's fun being told that you can't go to the bathroom.

also fun: panic attacks in computer science. holding back unexplainable tears in a crowded subway.

normality is relative they say.

related: i'm in the middle of The Tempest.

at least my laptop shipped.

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