Tuesday, January 31, 2006

knights of the fetal citizen

this guy is the new Sandra Day O'Connor. *cough*

i read this harrowing article in Rolling Stone [on Senator Brownback].

and...insert mopey comment here about assinine exboyfriend causing me emotional strife from afar. (i know nothing of his stance on abortion except that he would not have wanted to have a child with me)


it's been a depressing day.

and my motherboard is dusty.


that guy said...

love ya, kid.

let's go to vegas again.
the real world is far too adult.

melaina said...

yeah. i think vegas is a stellar plan. your only concern is when your next lap dance, drink or jackpot happens.

and where all your money went.

still...better than Brownback and Alito and our government. and boys.