Monday, December 12, 2005

your clever little blog could get you fired.

this is an interesting article.

so, i have a "safe" venue for venting about this subject, but the truth is i have nothing left to say. except: guess who gets to sleep the fuck in tomorrow! (like i said to someone last month; there's really never a time, be it work or school or play, where i wouldn't rather be sleeping. there's nothing i love more than a nap. i'm a champion napper.)

in other fun news: my iPod seems to be on its way to apple heaven. this didn't make my weekend any better.

on a positive note (positive you say?!) i finished my last term paper tonight. (if there's anybody out there who's just dying to know about either Dionysus, Pinot Noir or the Five Points, i'm your girl. though i faked my way through the Pinot Noir part. i know nothing of wine except that it gets me drunk)

it's time for this semester to conclude. my classes are starting to blend together. i corrected two cases of 'wein' in my paper tonight.


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