Saturday, December 31, 2005

Nothing changes on new year’s day.

though there has been plenty of change in my life in the last year, 2005 leaves me with very few words and even less of an impression.

i moved to a new time zone for the first time in my life. my body still hates me for this.

i dyed my hair brown. then i dyed it blonde. people still think i look 20.

i fell for someone, just like i said i didn't want to. he broke my heart.

i made some lovely new friends.

i turned 25. i got very drunk.

i got fired for the first time. i kind of don't care.

i got hit on a lot in polish...

see, i'm reaching for 'notable' occurances. i know i cared (quite passionately) at the time, but in passing, the year has sort of a 'meh' quality to it. i don't know. in retrospect i suppose meh is better than shitty.

i could have had more sex. that might have been nice...

and at least the subway didn't blow up.


Tuesday, December 20, 2005

why i love Bob Saget and despise the Transit Workers Union

first: a big FUCK YOU to the transit workers (and for that matter, the MTA. we never liked you much anyway) seriously. this isn't helping anybody. the sad thing is, i really don't think it'll get them what they want in the end.

here, i'm actually blessed to not have a job (or anywhere else) that i had to get to today. as a consequence, my school postponed all our finals this week (thankfully, for me, i only had one left) but now i have to negotiate with my professor about yet another date to take it (the date it was rescheduled for is the day i'm flying back into New York). sigh. and now i have to actually study on my vacation time instead of getting it all done before i leave.

just. fucking. irritating.

it's strange being cut off from Manhattan. HOW WILL I GET TO A STARBUCKS!?!

second: BIG Bob Saget crush this week; there are two amusing articles on him this week, one in Rolling Stone and one in Esquire (the ONLY good thing to come of my job at Nerve: free magazine subscriptions, which, conveniently arrive the day i'm sitting around island-locked Brooklyn) ok. Marie, you were worth most of the turmoil of that job as well ;)

from Esquire: "I love watching people get hit in the crotch." also, "I'm going to be fifty this year. Soon I'm going to meet somebody around my own age, and she's going to be smart and beautiful, and I'm going to date her daughter."

there's also a gem of a pic of Saget in Rolling Stone. Bob Saget, anal lube, a condom wrapper, and a pair of Plushies. priceless. it's going on my wall. probably next to the Swan Lake poster.

and it's drool over 1980's Andrew McCarthy week here as well. i have to go watch St. Elmo's Fire. look...i'm depressed, okay?

Friday, December 16, 2005

Merry Christmas from the MTA and the Transit Workers Union

so, it seems to be less reported on across the country (why report news before all hell breaks loose right?) a transit worker strike is pending here in New York, which could potentially fuck shit up. in a big way. (my school had implemented an emergency plan to postpone final exams, which start tomorrow, in light of the subway system being shut down. among other things like, oh, 7.5 million New Yorkers battling it out for cabs. that's a fun picture)

so, yeah. the strike began (in limitation) today, with some bus lines in Brooklyn and Queens. the deadline for negotiations was pushed back to midnight Tuesday. (at which point, as my father suggested, i may have to begin walking to JFK to make my flight on Thursday night) funny.

the MTA is of course sitting on a big pile of money. what are they doing with it? building a new shiny headquarters. but hey, $1 fare on weekends till xmas! that'll be a big help when the trains aren't running...

apparently, this happened in 1980; that strike lasted 11 days.


this could potentially suck.

unrelated: i genuinely think baby strollers should be banned from the subway. i mean, beverages are now banned, but to be honest, a baby stroller in a packed car is more disruptive than a bevy of Starbucks lattes.

Monday, December 12, 2005

your clever little blog could get you fired.

this is an interesting article.

so, i have a "safe" venue for venting about this subject, but the truth is i have nothing left to say. except: guess who gets to sleep the fuck in tomorrow! (like i said to someone last month; there's really never a time, be it work or school or play, where i wouldn't rather be sleeping. there's nothing i love more than a nap. i'm a champion napper.)

in other fun news: my iPod seems to be on its way to apple heaven. this didn't make my weekend any better.

on a positive note (positive you say?!) i finished my last term paper tonight. (if there's anybody out there who's just dying to know about either Dionysus, Pinot Noir or the Five Points, i'm your girl. though i faked my way through the Pinot Noir part. i know nothing of wine except that it gets me drunk)

it's time for this semester to conclude. my classes are starting to blend together. i corrected two cases of 'wein' in my paper tonight.



shiny and new.

it's been a fucked up week.