Monday, July 28, 2008

"Were you mauled by a tiger?" "It was a was a big dog."

“I really didn’t like that Heath Ledger made the Joker so…comical.” – random girl in front of me as I exited my second viewing of Dark Knight on Friday.

Mark: “I don’t know…It didn’t feel very realistic.”
Me: “It’s Batman. Do you really want to argue realism?”
Mark: “I know. I think I’m just not into big blockbuster action flicks. If you took me to an Al Gore movie I’d probably be more excited.”
Me: “You’re the worst boy ever.”

My only complaint (having now seen Dark Knight in both regular and Imax formats – side complaint – don’t ask me what the difference between Imax and regular is. I’ll shoot you some catty reply like “Five dollars.”) is that the Imax screen at Bridgeport Village is pretty weak and not really worth the extra money. Oh well.

Unrelated: it’s China week on the Travel Channel. Thus, I really want a monkey. Or a tiger. Maybe a lion. “So you really want a liger,” my brother pointed out recently. “Yes, a liger would suffice,” I replied. I want a cat that can take up one half of my bed. Maybe this is strange and will cement my status as a bachelor for all time, but it’s still a pleasing idea.

“But a tiger could kill you.”
“So? Pit bulls can kill you. So can children. People have children and pit bulls all the time.”

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