Sunday, July 01, 2007

Alright. On a scale of one to ten, what would you consider the likelihood you might be assassinated?

my therapist once asked me if i was concerned that an upswing in my emotional well-being might hinder my creativity (read: writing). i replied, no. what a silly notion. besides, crying bleeds the ink. i would be at my least creative, for whatever i would write would be illegible.

i've been wrong before.

you might say i've been creatively thinking up ways to do as little as possible. i am particularly good at this. if i were a little more creative, i could find a way to procure a sustainable income from doing absolutely nothing. i'm sure it's possible.

in short:

i got a degree.

i found a boy.

and i get to travel this summer (granted, to an area with a particularly high terrorist alert right now and a new ban on smoking)

at least the smoking ban won't hinder my intention to drink Guinness.


Sasha said...

You should also not smoke because, oh little known fact, IT WILL FUCKING KILL YOU.


melaina said...

good thing i don't ;)