Saturday, May 05, 2007

the same old prejudice prevails. war matters; love does not.

my lovely Chaya sent me this article by Erica Jong. it is worth reading, thus i urge you to.

i have many things to say. alas, i have many things i should be writing that are not my blog. for six more weeks at least, school and work will outweigh frivolity.

unrelated: it is my great wish that the people i know, namely the young men i know, could have the opportunity to have a heart-to-heart with my father. he has Gandalf's beard and more perspective than Brunelleschi.

he is somebody worth knowing.


chaya stillwater.lanz said...

I don't know whether to laugh or to cry; Paul must know…

Unknown said...

Shake your head.

Pam Houston? Nevada Barr? Donna Leon? Mavis Galant, Jane Kramer, Sharon Olds--these are a few of my favorite living, breathing, serious authors--not a war novel, story or poem from the lot.

In another twenty years the mostly male deciders of what's great will have died and some semblance of balance and fairness of recognition will be in place.

Meanwhile just look at the shelves at B&N [or Bloomsbury if you're home]. Seven-tenths of the new books are by women. That is a complete inversion from when I was in my twenties.

God grant you time, strength, cash and patience. Don't get mad, get even.