Monday, February 26, 2007

the secret

"throughout history, all the great minds, all the great leaders, all the great achievers, had something in common..." as they flash pictures of Edison, Lincoln, and Einstein across the screen.

they were men. (oh...that wasn't the point you were trying to make? my bad)

(i love you mom, but...) why does the trailer to this thing look like the DaVinci Code?

"On the DVD, Rhonda Byrne, creator, explains that she got inspired to create The Secret after reading the 1910 classic The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace D. Wattles."


"past secret teachers include Aristotle, W. Clement Stone, Plato, Isaac Newton, Martin Luther King, Carl Jung, Victor Hugo, Henry Ford, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Thomas Edison, Albert Einstein, Robert Collier, Winston Churchill, Andrew Carnegie, Joseph Campbell, Alexander Graham Bell, Ludvig Van Beethoven, Charles Fillmore, Wallace D. Wattles, Thomas Troward, and Charles F. Haanel."

mmm hmm.



riese said...

what movie is this? is it called "the secret"? sounds like all the parts of school that made me feel bored and alienated. which was most of it.

chaya stillwater.lanz said...

I saw the trailer and I thought: if that's what I have to do to get rich and be happy, then i'll count my impoverished depression as a blessing.