Sunday, January 22, 2006

shouldn't you be off bringing religiosity to the fuzzy wuzzies or some such?

so, firstly, i have enabled anonymous commenting (which, unbeknownst to me, was not previously available here until my mother brought it to my attention.) endless possibility for rebuttals, provided they're not pious and, well, full of shit. my gift to you.

(for fuck's sake though, let me know who you are. there's nothing more irritating than my having to track anonymous IP addresses to figure it out.)

secondly, this whole Roe vs Wade deal...

today was the 33 year anniversary of the famous Texas ruling. i was reminded of this by a number of friends' bulletins about various rallies. one of which was promoting a pro-life christian rally (love the dude dearly, but if our conversations every stray from relationships, hip-hop, and Breakfast at Tiffany's, we'll have problems) weird that in the five years i've known him, it never has been an issue.


though i may be the first woman to tell you that chicks can be crazy, and i'm usually the closest gawker at the feet of a hot stripper, i have a violently feminist opinion when it comes to women's bodies and abortion.

pro-lifers, whether they're singing kumbaya or throwing stones and holding a picture of an aborted fetus (who takes a picture of an aborted fetus? whose job is that?) make me a violent one.

i especially have issues with men's opinions on this topic. which is a whole other argument. regrettably, boys, i'm going to say you have to sit this one out. I have friends who've expressed their strong opinion on the fact that they won't fuck a girl who isn't comfortable with the option of abortion. i've also known a guy who accused a girl of 'faking'[an abortion] to get attention (as a first-hand witness at the fucking clinic, his disbelief and lack of concern was rather appalling.)


on this topic, men and women will never be equal. it's just not possible.

i believe that this is not, nor should it ever be, a government's decision. period. under such circumstances, it is, and will always be, the worst, most painful and most difficult decision of a woman's life. but it is her choice alone. it is not the decision of a man in Washington, or some chick in Texas, or a church group in Delaware, or that guy on the corner who sells you the Post.

the sad truth is, wherever one might stand on the topic of abortion, i'll bet that a good percentage of college/high school students today couldn't even tell you who either "Roe" or "Wade" was. but that's a whole different issue.


Anonymous said...

Doesn't Wade play for the Miami Heat...Shaq's little buddy. You've got me on Roe...I have no clue. damn dude! I always get these wrong.

melaina said...

yes. and Roe was a linebacker for the Baltimore Ravens.

i can't believe people don't know these things.